Can you believe tomorrow is Halloween and after that is November 1st?? I have no idea where the year has gone, however as I get older, I find myself saying that more and more. Don’t you??
As soon as November 1st hits, one of the first things I start thinking about is making my Christmas list and all the things I need to grab for those special people on it. Although, this is definitely right after I get done dreaming about all of the pumpkin pie, pecan pie and honey baked ham I’m going to devour over the next two months. ( not a turkey fan )
I know it can be daunting and sometimes you don’t even know where to start, so I have a few tips for you to remember when shopping this holiday season.
*** think of things you know they will like but wouldn’t normally treat themselves to ***
I love getting makeup for Christmas because it’s always unexpected and such a treat. Most women I know are the same way. We wouldn’t spend the extra money on that eye shadow palette we want but don’t necessarily need. Keep that in mind when you are shopping for most anyone on your list. Think of things they would love, but wouldn’t normally treat themselves to because of the cost.
For example, I wouldn’t typically grab one of these just because, but would love it as a gift.
*** try to remember if they have talked about an item they loved, heard about or wanted to try in the past year ***
My mother in law is the BEST at this!
I’ve always given gifts based on what I thought, someone would like, not what I remembered them actually talking about.
Try to remember if they needed something in the past year that they didn’t have or if they commented on an item you had, and loved. Gift them one of those things and they will love it plus, feel extra special that you remembered.
For example, a couple of years ago I was at my in laws house and they made these amazing hot deli sandwiches. I remember saying how much I liked the presser they used because it allowed you to grill, make panini’s or hot sandwiches, and even cook anything that required being flat, like pancakes. That Christmas I had a Cuisinart GR-150 Griddler Deluxe under the tree. I was so happy and it meant so much to me that they remembered.
AND it’s actually on sale right now
*** Lastly, try not to get too stressed during the holiday season. ***
Gift giving is fun but it’s not everything. To be 100% transparent, of course, I’d love for and hope you shop through my links during this gift giving season. What I do is a full time job and I, along with all bloggers who use affiliate links, receive a small commission when you make your purchase with a link I’ve provided.
Whether it’s grabbing a dress to wear to your holiday party or finding something on one of my gift guides, I truly appreciate you taking the time to go through my page before checking out and making your purchase.
Not everyone’s budget is the same and that’s okay, nor are material things what it’s all about. If your budget is tight right now, here are a few gift ideas that don’t cost that much, or even anything at all. You can even get gift cards from various retailers through Amazon by clicking HERE.
- Get a $5 gift card to their favorite coffee shop and say it’s on you.
- If you have kids, pick a night to make a fort in the den, pop some popcorn and watch their favorite movie.
- Pay for the person’s coffee behind you in line at the drive thru.
- Volunteer to serve meals on Thanksgiving or Christmas. You will be giving others a gift of your time and love.
- Make a special craft with your child that you know they will enjoy.
- Offer to clean your spouses car.
- Offer to babysit for a friend ( they won’t ask but would definitely like a night alone or out with their spouse )
Enjoy this season with your loved ones friends, I know I am excited to with mine. If you have any specific gift guides you would like to see from me, please let me know in the comments below. Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for my first gift guide that will go LIVE this Friday, November 1st. Have a great day!